This website was composed conscientiously and impartially and is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and up-to-date. No responsibility will be accepted for the content, accuracy, completeness and currency of my site. Nor does the author accept responsibility for websites belonging to third parties referred to (through hyperlinks), either graphically or textually.
Responsible for website content:
Anja Grewe
Conference Interpreter M.A.
Krumme Wende 8a
49744 Geeste
T: +49 (0)40 38653545
M: +49 (0)160 2565865
E: info@dolmetschservices.com
Tax ID: DE 47 561 892 310
The general conditions of work for conference interpreters can be found here (in German).
Design: Henning Basler
Photography: Lara Blackwood
Programming: Constantin Lügering
Copyright: Anja Grewe 2014. All rights reserved.
Anja Grewe (née Schomaker)
Conference Interpreter M.A
Phone: +49 (0)40 38653545
Mobile: +49 (0)160 2565865